"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Four, Day Four -- He Knows Our Smell"
When my two-year-old son wanted his mom or dad to carry him, he would hold out his hands saying, “Upple, Momma, upple. Upple, Dadda,...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Three, Day One -- You're Just Like Your Father"
You teach what you know, But you impart who you are. -—Jack Frost Jesus came to point us to the Father. If you have seen Jesus, you have...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week Two, Day Three -- Assumptions"
We are created by love, to live in love, for the sake of love. —Gerald May An assumption is a “no-brainer,” a supposition assumed to be...

"Loving God, Loving Myself" Week One, Day Two -- Can You Love Yourself Too Much?"
Christianity does not come in order to develop the heroic virtues in the individual, but rather to remove self-centeredness and establish...