"Remember Rahab"
A woman in her late twenties came to our ministry for a few days of intensive counseling. She was distraught over knowing God loved her...

"How We Reflect God’s Love to Children"
This writing, taken from our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself, was posted by our friend, David Sanford, who worked with us...

"The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself" for Classes and Small Groups
Over the past few years, we have been blessed by several groups, ministries, and churches leading groups on our book, The Missing...

"Emotional Incest: The True Cost of a Bottle of Two-Buck Chuck"
When the parental role is reversed and the child becomes responsible for the cares and needs of the parent or the marriage, it creates a...

"Loving God, Show Me the Truth About Myself"
Loving God, Show me the truth about myself, No matter how wonderful it may be. —Cecil Murphey Let’s read the above quote again, and this...

"Aha-Moments with God"
If we take all the goodness, wisdom and compassion of the best mothers and fathers who have ever lived, they would only be a faint shadow...

"The Story of Grace"
Five days ago, we did one of the hardest things we ever had to do—we had to say good-bye to Grace, our 15-year-old border collie. “Grace,...

"Greeting Cards"
I (Denise) had a brilliant idea one day to have a greeting card rack right outside our counseling office. The display would only have...

"You Are My Lionel"
We recently watched again the movie, "The King’s Speech,” which was originally released in 2010. In case you didn't see it, it is the...