Spanish Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Spanish translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...
Portuguese Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Portuguese translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...
"From father-rejected to Father-Loved" (by Irene Romero)
Note from Jerry and Denise: Recently, a new friend of ours shared this story with us and we felt like it needed to be shared with others....
"What Impacts Our Picture of God?"
In counseling, we see people from all walks of life who have a distorted view of God the Father because their parents misrepresented him....
"Greeting Cards"
I (Denise) had a brilliant idea one day to have a greeting card rack right outside our counseling office. The display would only have...
"You Are My Lionel"
We recently watched again the movie, "The King’s Speech,” which was originally released in 2010. In case you didn't see it, it is the...
"God Wants to Heal All of You"
In this video, Denise uses a set of nesting dolls to help illustrate the importance of accepting and embracing all of us--including the...
"When the Bags Are Empty"
Hurt moves the heart toward healing. Therefore, even if you’re living in hurt, you are better off in the hurt than to not have it at...
"How Would I Feel If My Child Grew Up Exactly the Way I Did?"
We are convinced that true, spiritual healing ultimately will result in "coming home to the Father's house" - to his loving and healing...