"He Knows Our Smell"
Several years ago, a client gave us a painting of Jesus holding a little lamb to his face. The picture demonstrated such tenderness, such...

"Letter to a Lost Boy"
As we grow through the formative years of childhood, we typically learn various ways of adapting to adversity. Our true self--the one God...

"What Impacts Our Picture of God?"
In counseling, we see people from all walks of life who have a distorted view of God the Father because their parents misrepresented him....

"Coming As A Child"
Consider the incredible love that the Father has shown us in allowing us to be called “children of God”—and that is not just what we are...

"How We Reflect God’s Love to Children"
This writing, taken from our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself, was posted by our friend, David Sanford, who worked with us...

"What God Is Really Like"
Here we share some wonderful truths about you that agrees with how God sees you. Internalize the words as you read them and then view the...

"Why God Loves My Childlikeness"
Scripture often uses the word heart when referring to our spirit. Mike Mason, in his excellent book The Mystery of Children, states the...

"Listen Now: Four Radio Broadcasts by Luis Palau from Our Book, "The Missing Commandment&q
As we shared in our most recent blog post, we are very honored and humbled that excerpts from our book, The Missing Commandment: Love...