Spanish Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Spanish translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...

Portuguese Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Portuguese translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...

Audiobook Now Available for "Loving God, Loving Myself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the audiobook version of our book, Loving God, Loving Myself: Finding the Heart of the...

"The Severe Impact of Emotional Incest"
When the parental role is reversed and a child becomes responsible for the cares and needs of the parent or the marriage, it creates a...

"Finding the Father and His Feelings in the Midst of Our Pain"
One of the dilemmas in the healing process is this: We desperately need God to come into our places of woundedness and heal what was lost...

"Emotional Incest: The True Cost of a Bottle of Two-Buck Chuck"
When the parental role is reversed and the child becomes responsible for the cares and needs of the parent or the marriage, it creates a...

"God Wants to Heal All of You"
In this video, Denise uses a set of nesting dolls to help illustrate the importance of accepting and embracing all of us--including the...

"When the Bags Are Empty"
Hurt moves the heart toward healing. Therefore, even if you’re living in hurt, you are better off in the hurt than to not have it at...

"A Prayer to Our Heavenly Father"
We have come to the end of our seminar video clips on The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself. We have come full circle back to the...