Spanish Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Spanish translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...

Portuguese Translation Now Available for "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"
We are very excited to announce the release of the Portuguese translation of our book, The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself (Expanded...

"He Knows Our Smell"
Several years ago, a client gave us a painting of Jesus holding a little lamb to his face. The picture demonstrated such tenderness, such...

"Coming As A Child"
Consider the incredible love that the Father has shown us in allowing us to be called “children of God”—and that is not just what we are...

"God Loves Roundabouts" (by Pablo Giacopelli)
From Jerry and Denise: We first connected with Pablo through Kevin Miles, the publisher of the first edition of The Missing Commandment: ...

"Finding the Father and His Feelings in the Midst of Our Pain"
One of the dilemmas in the healing process is this: We desperately need God to come into our places of woundedness and heal what was lost...

"A Prayer to Our Heavenly Father"
We have come to the end of our seminar video clips on The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself. We have come full circle back to the...

"Why I Sometimes Feel So Fragmented"
We are never finished being made into God's likeness. We are imperfect children in need of a Father who will never abandon us, shame us,...

"Why God Loves My Childlikeness"
Scripture often uses the word heart when referring to our spirit. Mike Mason, in his excellent book The Mystery of Children, states the...