"How God Met Me in My Grief: A Personal Story"
It was the day after I (Denise) had lost our only child to a miscarriage, and I was in the first stages of grief: numb, questioning God,...

"Finding the Father and His Feelings in the Midst of Our Pain"
One of the dilemmas in the healing process is this: We desperately need God to come into our places of woundedness and heal what was lost...

"The Joy and Grief of Discovering Grace"
Lois, a forty-five-year-old woman, had been a Christian for over twenty years. She came to us struggling with depression and a terrible...

"Because of You"
This is a very powerful teaching that should not be missed. We asked a client who had been abused as a child to personalize the lyrics...

"Am I Trusting in Me or You?"
Jerry and I normally pray God’s armor of defense and protection around us every day (see Eph. 6:10-17). Now here is where it may get...

"Do You Do This?"
Our walls of protection that we learned growing up place our trust in our own power rather than in God to be our defense, our protection,...

"Hiding from Love"
We remember asking a client to tell us which defense mechanisms he used in his life. All of a sudden, he started singing the lyrics to...

We all experience storms in our lives—storms that are unexpected, damaging, out of our control, costly. As we recently watched the fury...