"Pre-Release Sale! New Expanded Edition of The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself"

We are very excited to announce a special pre-release offer of the New Expanded Edition of "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself." (1/6/18 release). We are grateful and humbled that our first edition has impacted so many across the United States and around the world. God has used the stories, letters, and prayers from our book to open readers' hearts to a loving Father whose love always surrounds us. The letters and testimonies from our readers have enlarged our hearts and increased our gratitude to the Father exponentially. We have been undone time after time regarding how the Father has demonstrated his unfathomable love to his children—just so they can love themselves the way he loves them.
In the 2018 edition, we have added an addendum to the original content, entitled "Going Deeper: Stories to Take You Further on Your Healing Journey." Here we address father and mother wounds in greater depth, as well as related childhood issues that we frequently identify in counseling. Many individuals have difficulty understanding the connection between their childhood and their current relationship struggles. Providing more help in these areas is one of the primary reasons we have written this expanded edition.
Through our counseling, we have experienced over and over again the power of "story" in helping individuals understand what has happened to them in the past and how it is still impacting their lives in the present. However, telling our story from head knowledge alone is not enough. We must be willing to engage in and reenter our story through our heart and spirit—including memories that are known and ones Father God resurfaces. We must let the Father "read" us and reveal the wounds in our story. We must be willing to see what the Father sees and feel what he feels about us and our story. And as our hearts become connected to the impact of the truth of our past, we can begin to grieve so we can be healed.
In "going deeper," we ask many questions designed to help the reader's true story come to light—the one the Father knows that may have been avoided or simply not fully realized. We also share our observations as counselors to aid in the healing journey, including prayers for healing.
Central to all we share is this truth: You are precious to God, and he longs to heal and restore you. And with his love surrounding you, you can begin to love yourself—every part—and more fully love him and others from a heart that is healed and set free.