"Aha-Moments with God"
If we take all the goodness, wisdom and compassion of the best mothers and fathers who have ever lived, they would only be a faint shadow of the love and mercy in the heart of the redeeming God.
–Brennan Manning

We all know God is everywhere, and he can’t be any closer to us than he already is, has been, and always will be. So, contrary to some church signs you've seen, no one can actually move away from him, nor he from us. Yet there are times when Abba Father reveals that he is right there with us—closer than our breath. Jerry and I call these surprises “aha-moments" with him. Let us share some of those aha-stories to help build your faith in Father God’s nature.
God has shown up in cars in the middle of rush- hour traffic. One man pulled to the side of the road and wept and wept in God’s healing presence. He called us from his car and asked why God did not show up in his prayer time that morning when it was convenient. It is just like God to show up when we are not in control!
For one woman, God showed up in the shower personally washing away her sense of stain and filth from sexual defilement by her father. We thought this was a pretty bold move on God’s part. When she called me right after this experience, all I could think was “Yikes.” How much more counseling was she going to need after this? But of course God was very gentle with her. Minutes later when he left, she was naked and unashamed—an aha-moment times a thousand.
God has shown up in the middle of a business man’s presentation. Tears welled up in the man’s eyes—a special touch from his Abba Father, who wanted his son to know he was proud of him.
Father God has made appearances in closets, under the bed, in toy boxes, in pup tents, and in the sandbox, making roads for a little boy’s hot cars. God has shown up on dirt roads, elevators, airplanes, and beaches to meet with his children. One man found Father God next to him while he was sinning, he immediately stopped what he was doing.
A strong woman of faith told us her story of a time years back when she had fallen away from the Lord. Coming home to her apartment one evening, she discovered, written in the dust on her bedside table, her favorite Scripture that was spoken over her when she received salvation. She was in awe: “He knows me and sees me.” She dropped down to her knees and rededicated her life to Christ. She has been a missionary ever since.
Once while traveling the hill country of Texas, Jerry and I stopped at a park to take a break. Jerry took out his guitar and we sat on top of a table, singing worship songs together. Three longhorn cattle came to the fence and listened to us. That was pretty cool. I told Jerry that the longhorns were fine, but I really wanted to see a lamb. Just then there was a commotion to the side of us, and—you guessed right—a lamb was running right toward us, with a man in hot pursuit. The man told us the lamb had broken through the fence and got away. We thought, “Of course he got away. God wanted us to see a lamb.” What an intimate, loving Father, who cares about every detail!
All such moments, whether our own or those that others have shared with us, give us a glimpse into the Father’s heart. And what child cannot love a Father who loves like that?
Dear Father God, I know that all I am is already found in you; I am made in your image. Remind me again how you see me when I am feeling less than worthy of love. Remind me again that you will never leave me orphaned—rejected, alone, or abandoned. Lord, remind me that the most destructive wound of abandonment is when I orphan myself. Forgive me for not loving myself and not seeing myself reflected in your eyes.
I love that you love me, even when I’m being unlovable. What a great deal that is for me. I want to extend to myself the same amount of grace you offer me. Remove my walls of defense and self-protection. Dismantle my fortifications that protect me from pain, fear, and shame. I invite you to meet me at my most vulnerable times—times that may not be convenient by the world’s standards, but times that are perfect for you. I look forward to an aha-moment with you. I’ll be waiting.
Your Child
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BOOKS AND MEDIA: "Loving God, Loving Myself" and our Expanded Edition of "The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself," is available at jerryanddenisebasel.com and Amazon.com.
COUNSELING MINISTRY: If you or anyone you know is in need of finding a safe place for emotional and/or spiritual healing and restoration, please contact us at The Father's Heart Intensive Christian Counseling Ministry. Check out our web site at fathersheart.com or email us directly at fathersheartmin@gmail.com. We are located in the North Georgia Mountains in a retreat-like setting and counsel individuals or couples for periods of two to five-days in length.