Extending a Helping Hand
Dear Friends,
We are very blessed by how the Father has poured out His grace upon this ministry and all who have come to receive His healing presence. We are writing to ask if you would prayerfully consider a year-end gift to help us to continue this work. We are a 501-c-3 non-profit organization and your gift will be tax deductible. If you would like to give, you can either mail a check to the address below, with the check made out to “The Father’s Heart Ministry,” or you can donate directly via credit card or from your bank account via our PayPal account by using our PayPal "Donate" button at www.fathersheart.com/contact-us. DONATE (takes you to our website)

As a thank you for your gift, we will send you a free digital audiobook download of our book, Loving God, Loving Myself. Please be sure to include your email address with your gift.
Thanks for your consideration and we pray that you have a very special New Year.
Jerry and Denise Basel The Father's Heart Ministry Intensive Christian Counseling 58 Misty Lane Cleveland, GA 30528 Ministry: www.fathersheart.com Publications: www.jerryanddenisebasel.com Blog: Living from a Healed Heart (678) 596-3916