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"Why I Sometimes Feel So Fragmented"

We are never finished being made into God's likeness. We are imperfect children in need of a Father who will never abandon us, shame us, or reject us. He can never give up on us - it's not in his nature.

In turn, he asks that you will not abandon yourself, shame yourself, or reject yourself. Just as God never gives up on you, guess what? He asks you to never give up on yourself. Read the personal affirmation below as many times as you need, until you can profess it as truth from your core being. After all, it is the Father's heart for you!

"I am free to feel my emotions, work through my emotions, and not shame my emotions. I am free to embrace change and growth within me. I am free to love myself and receive love because I have value and worth. I am free to be fully ME!" (Quoted from "Loving God, Loving Myself")


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